Friday, March 19, 2010


wherever u go
I'll follow I'll Follow
But He Said He never sees me following him;buahahahahah,baka!
5 Days working as a lifeguard
It's not that hard,nd not that easy
The 1st day went through,everything's fine,until the third day
This fellow,who thinks he's so well trained as a lifeguard knows all the pool-by laws
scolded nd yell at me like I'm Miss I-KnoW-Nothing about the pool
Luckily,Iwas right,nd HE,Mr I-Know EverythIng's WRONG
THankS to Xiao Chong for his supports nd spending his time v EvelyN nd ME
Special THANKS to all those cute lil kids who I don't really know for accompany Evelyn Nd I for the past few days
NOT forgetting TheSe parents who worked OT just to let their kids have fun nd play v us
Thanks Aunty Phaik Be(hope I get it right this time)for fetching me up nd down,cooking for me etc,Aunty Yo,Aunty Lina,and Wilfred's parents for letting them stay to accompany us through our working time
Thanks to EveLyn to bare with me Throgh my EMo times and Thanks to Danial,Xiao Chong,Dolly and all others
There's this cute guy from China,who I keep SAO1 RAO3-ing,hope he don't mind,HAppY HolIdAys In PenanG!*grins*


Monday, March 15, 2010


I've came to realized loads of things,which have been in the tides for a long time,
Jess,a pure,lil innocent kid,did I hurt her today,or did something wrong to her???
I don't know,,,but here,I apologize for all my sins that I've made
I DO believe in GOD,nd the punishments u'll receive,before and fta death,,
I DO believe in True Love,which made it so hard to be seen around me,,
I DO believe in friendship,that's no matter what we'd gone through,WE'll still be shouting nd call each other BITCH,
LOve Exists???NOT


Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Finally I come out with my 44#
She finally guessed them all right,,,Eventough I will RanDomly say "I hAte her",But,I realized,she's somewhere in my heart,,,
There's this bond btween us which couldn't be broken
She's rite about things,
but NOT all,,,
Maybe she's rite,maybe I'm just confusing myself;
But,for real,,,He belongs to memories
Thanks to 38 freaky geniuses who helped raising RM2000+,u guys rawksnd hello,idiots,eff off,ya blocking my view


Friday, March 5, 2010


直到愛消失 你才懂得 去珍惜身邊每個

美好風景 只是他早已離去

直到你想通 他早已經 不再對你留戀

最後的你 開始了一段掙扎

你那麼愛她 為什麼不把他留下


你深愛他 這是每個人都知道啊

你那麼愛他 為什麼不把她留下


所以你不想再讓自己 無法自拔


Monday, March 1, 2010


I m eager to know the truth
but now,
when the truth really did hurt so much,
I'd decided to run away nd hide myself in my comfort zone
That's who I m
U, need NOT to know
