A lovely fiesta to June
28th May
Went hiking from the national park to monkey beach
It was super FUN
U guys shud try hiking there
nd DAMN u look real gay in it
The last day of May, went strolling at the beach nd welcome June in 24 hours wonder y I'm so happy of June,,hahahhh go figure it out
Followed my dearest Evelyn to club
Aunty Yo a.k.a Aunty Gorgeous non-stop wishing me happy b'day
have had a crazy,marvelous night with all my darlings
nd the best part was,I saw my Dream guy,,,LKH!!!
buahahahahhaaaahhh*evil laugh*
5th June
hang out with my baby nd get to see loads,maybe tons of lengluis
IU Day @ G Hotel,,,but I didn't go coz of some reasons
1 of the lame reasons is
come on,who would like to see a fat girl in Hawaiis???
KILLERS,,,just another comedy of a phsyco family,,LMAO
talk like a Bitch* either help boasting confidence,gain another loot of bitch kindda frens or dump ur geek frens*uhhuh*
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