
Finally exam's over.
Going to stay away from books for some time from now on.
Well,all I could say is,last minute study is really tiring.
Gonna get more sleep,beauty sleep.hahah.
Speaking about books,you guys should really get these reference books.
They really are something for last minute study.
You can simply find it in POPULAR and it's available in all subjects,except for Chinese.
It is full of colorful pages and mind maps to help you understand easier and faster.
It also come in a reasonable price.
This is one of the sample of the book.

Hui Qi finally bought her phone yesterday-W910i.
I so loving it.
Too bad I don't own it,sobs.
But she's such a GREAT,good friend.
She's gonna borrow me her phone for a day...sobs,so gam dong.
I had missed a lot of things because of exam.
So,I'm gonna go for them.
Thanks to her,I'm finally watching "Wild Child".

Went to school with sleepy eyes and sleepy face,almost everyday.
Today,as usual,reached school,rushed up to my class to sleep.
However,met with some people very za4 lo3(meaning,block road...direct translation.)
Then,thanks to them.Every morning so bersemangat,almost everyone were talking in class,so noisy,like market,only me and Wen,sleeping,as usual.
Was tired again during PJ,then blur blur sleep ki again and woke up after 2 periods.
Chit-chat during KH.Thanks to the school's genius,3 periods in a row.
We talked about animals,animals making love,eeewww....
Tash was damn insane!
Mom told me something,about my studies.
Had some kind of grown-up talk,buahahahaha...Finally she take my words seriously.
M growing up,winks*
Heard about this website from friends,go view it,it's damn funny.
click here
oh i found myself and ran away
something pulled me back
the voice of reason i forgot i had
all i know is you're not here to say
what you always used to say
but it's written in the sky tonight
so i won't give up
no i won't break down
sooner than it seems life turns around
and i will be strong
even if it all goes wrong
when i'm standing in the dark i'll still believe
someone's watching over me
so i won't give up
no i won't break down
sooner than it seems life turns around
and i will be strong
even if it all goes wrong
when i'm standing in the dark i'll still believe
that i won't give up
no i won't break down
sooner than it seems life turns around
and i will be strong
even when it all goes wrong
when i'm standing in the dark i'll still believe
that someone's watching over
someone's watching over
someone's watching over me
someone's watching over me
Labels: ;]xinlin.inc, smiles